Accident Attorneys' Group

Personal Injury Lawyers of CA


High School Coach Facing Four Felonies

Bikes, Nicole, Xena

 (Photo credit: celesteh)

One high school basketball coach, who was involved in a deadly DUI accident, is back in court again. Loren LeBeau, a basketball coach in a Fresno high school, had been drinking and driving on July 25 when he slammed his car into a family. The car accident resulted in a wrongful death of the family’s young boy along with serious personal injury on two other family members.

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Hazing Goes Too Far, Teacher and Students Arrested

Teacher in primary school in northern Laos

Teacher in primary school in northern Laos (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hazing seems to be a taboo when it comes to schools, social clubs, and sporting events. While hazing rituals can be a bonding quality to help initiate new comers into a club, many times it can get out of hand. Many schools and clubs ban any kind of hazing, refusing to get involved in any probable damages or personal injury accusations. For a school in Southern California, however, a teacher is getting accused of initiating hazing rituals on students.

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High School Party with 200 Teens Ended by Police

The silent dance floor at a house party in San...

The silent dance floor at a house party in San Francisco. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Graduation season is upon us. With high school and college students finishing up their classes, graduation ceremonies and parties are sure to follow. The excitement is filling the air as hopeful graduates look forward to summer vacation and/or starting new careers. Along with graduation is summer and all its glory looming around the corner. Take these two entities—graduation and summer—and we have a recipe for impulsive yet sometimes careless behavior.

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