Women Are Better Drivers

For years, women have been pegged as lousy drivers. Usually, it was men who made that exaggerated accusation. A new British study, however, proves that women are better overall drivers than their male counterparts.

A new survey reveals that, contrary to widespread belief, women are better drivers in terms of knowledge of the rules of the road. The study found that 57 percent of all men had been involved in one or more accidents, compared to 44 percent of women. The study also found that 45 percent of male drivers between the ages of 36 to 45 and 66 and older have been caught speeding. About 60 percent of men over the age of 66 had been involved in an accident, compared with 30 percent of women in the same age group.

A typical speed limit sign in the United State...

A typical speed limit sign in the United States showing a 50 mph restriction. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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